To The Victor...
“We live in strange and exciting times,” was a phrase I frequently heard growing up. Although I said it myself, it never really seemed as strange or exciting as I thought it could be. Well, it appears that ‘strange’ has...
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I'm often asked how I pack my Victory Bag for races when using it as a drop bag, and what I find to be essential items when racing. The answer: however it needs to be packed, and whatever I need...
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“Walk 100 yards and then I’ll carry you on my back for 100.” I shuffle my feet counting “1, 2, 3…” “No, no, no… a yard… this is a yard”, my father says, as he throws his foot out in...
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Ten years ago if you told me that I’d ever run longer than a 10k, let alone an Alpine 200 miler, I would have laughed in your face. Yet, today they’re adventures I’ve embraced and grown from. Likewise, despite having...
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In 2007 when I first started running competitive ultras with fair success, it was a pretty laid back, low key sport. Western States seemed to be the only major 100 miler in the world. Most any other race, you could...
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